Monday 18 April 2011

'Quick Fashion' - Angelica Elle's script for the voiceover in the show

Famous places in Brighton -
"Brighton is a wonderful town.Renowned for its unique shops,especially the fashion stores,from designer to great bargains.With a great variety of styles to suit everyone's taste,who would not be embracing the towns fashionable vibe."

Spy camera on Janice -
"Enter Janice Wallberg,a twenty year old student from Brighton,with her drab colours and uninteresting choice of clothes,she is just the person for my help,definitely time for some tips from angelica Elle.Janice loves photography,however this artistic streak in her personality doesn't come across in her clothes at all,I'm hoping to get some colour in her life and show everyone how interesting she actually is."

Shops around Brighton (with Angelica and Janice) -
"I'm trying to get Janice to learn what colours suit her and how she can feel confident and feminine in some new outfits,after a day shopping lets go back to the studio to try her new looks."

After the break -
"See you after the break,when Janice's makeover is complete"

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