Monday 28 February 2011

'The Family' - C4(fly on the wall/reality documentary) Notes

Reality series on channel 4 (2008)
 - loud music=teenage girl getting ready to go out for the night
 - next the song 'Sweet Caroline' (Neil Diamond) played whilst the parents are hugging,as they touch each other the part of the song lyrics go "touching me,touching you"=this shows the music ins inc with the parents actions
 - closeups of arguments showing the intensity of the rows
 - middle class family (roast duck and a big house)
 - paused on last shot - title 'the family' - then break for adverts
 - Jane's birthday (mum) - title - classical music - preparations
 - mothers day  -family all come around
 - again another match to song and peoples actions - Kate Nash (Foundations) lyrics="fingertips are holding on" then closeup on the mums fingertips

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