Thursday 17 February 2011

The Taking of Prince Harry - C4 - Home Notes

- shaky camera
- achieve footage
- narrator-voice over footage
- reconstruction footage,mixed with real interviews and achieve footage
*Interviews from people in the U.N
*February 2008 - last time Prince Harry was there
August 2010 - David Cameron - Terrorists attacks planned on him,whilst he was visiting Afghanistan
*Picture screen - showing: FBI,M.I.6,Police etc
Cuts fast - bright lights - effective - danger implied
-Interviews with achieve footage (Afghan people,policemen - military airplanes)
- Spy (esc) music - documentary score
- Hidden camera work - point of view
*Joan Skinner - Foreign secretary
*Roy Greensdale - Daily Mail 2001-2009
fade cut and fuzzy camera work

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