Monday 28 February 2011

Michael Jackson - What really happened - C4 Doc Notes

 - achieve footage of when Michael was found not guilty for child molestery
 - narrated by Jacque Peretti (his personal documentary- fan)
 - closeups on Jacque and driving his car - intense music=showing the intense seriousness of the story
 - interviews with Randy Jackson's friends and Michael's employee and family body-guard (Bob Jones)
 - "I'm not like other guys" - quote from Michael's hit 'Thriller',however also feeling this struggle himself in real life
 - interview wit news-reporter in a car park at night,in a voyeuristic style of camera work (secret),this shows how the press know lots of personal secrets about Michael's life
 - eerie music showing the Las Vegas landscape
 - since coming to Vegas,Jackson seen differently than in his early stages of his career

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